Please click on the link below: 3-30-22 Closed Personnel Committee Agenda
Author: Clerk
Streets Committee Meeting Agenda
Please click on the link below: 03-29-22 Streets Committee Agenda
Plan Commission Meeting Agenda
Please click on the link below: 3-29-22 Plan Commission Agenda
Notice of Water Rate Increase
These have been posted at the following locations within the Village: Black River Country Bank…
Type E Notice Spring Election
Please click on the link below: Type E Notice Spring Election
Special Board Meeting
Please click on the link below: 03-15-22 Special Board Meeting Agenda
Streets Committee Meeting
Please click on the link below: 03-15-22 Streets Committee Agenda
Closed Personnel Committee Meeting
Please click on the link below: 2-23-22 Closed Personnel Committee Agenda
Parks Committee Meeting
Please click on the link below: 3-23-22 Parks Committee Agenda
Parks Committee Meeting
Please click on the link below: 2-9-22 Parks Committee Agenda