Election Information

Voter ID Law

Beginning with the 2016 Spring Primary, Wisconsin voters must show an acceptable photo ID before voting.  This includes voters at polling places and many absentee voters.

For details on the new requirement click here: Wisconsin Photo ID Requirements


Melrose Polling Location

The Village of Melrose, Wisconsin maintains one polling location for all elections. If you are a Village resident, you will vote at the Village Hall, 112 N. Main Street, Melrose, Wisconsin.

 Voter Registration for Melrose, Wisconsin

To vote in the State of Wisconsin, you must be:

  • A U.S. Citizen
  • Age 18 or older on or before Election Day
  • Have resided in an election district or ward for 28 consecutive days, with no present intent to move, before any election where the citizen offers to vote

You may register to vote on or before election day by filling out the Voter Registration Application (GAB-131).  A link to the form is provided below.  Be advised, proof of residence is required along with a properly filled out GAB-131.

To download the voter registration form click herehttp://gab.wi.gov/forms/gab-131-english.

Poll Workers

The Village employs five trained part-time poll workers on election day.  Current poll workers who have completed all required training are:


  • Joyce Stein (Chief Inspector)
  • Judy Gunther (Chief Inspector)
  • Kathy Young (Chief Inspector)
  • Connie Craig (Poll Worker)
  • Loretta Waughtal (Poll Worker)

The Village also utilizes a handful of volunteer High School Student Election Inspectors to engender a spirit of community service, facilitate interest in local government, and provide an interesting learning opportunity.

Village Caucus

To run for any elected Village Office, you must be nominated at the annual Village Caucus. The Caucus is typically scheduled during the first three weeks in January. For a detailed description of Caucus Procedures, click the Manual below.

Caucus Procedures Manual

Voting Equipment

The Village utilizes an ImageCast Evolution (ICE) voting machine. This is a automated paper ballot tubulation system. Voters must use the specifically recommended marking pens provided when filling out the ballot. The Voter then will fill in the ovals corresponding to the candidate(s) of their choice. Voters will feed their ballot into the ICE machine, which then scans the ballot, stores a complete image of the ballot, interprets, stores and tallies the results, then prints cumulative totals of all the votes cast after station is closed. The ICE machine is also equipped with a multi-feed detection that prevents the device from accepting more than one ballot at a time.

If necessary, please ask one of the poll workers for assistance with the voting machine.

Absentee Ballots

Absentee ballots may be requested for one or more elections during a calendar year by filling out the GAB-121.  A link to the form is provided below.  You may also call, write, or email the clerk clerk@melrosewi.gov to obtain an absentee ballot.  The State of Wisconsin also has a convenient website where citizens can request an absentee ballot on-line:  http://myvote.wi.gov  This site is especially useful for military and permanent overseas voters.

To request an absentee ballot click herehttp://gab.wi.gov/forms/gab-121-english.

Upcoming Elections

Notice of Elections will be posted at the following information outlets:

  • At locations on bulletin boards in the Village:
    • Village Hall Front Window
    • On Village Website
    • Black River Country Bank
    • U.S. Post Office