Village Seeks Clerk/Treasurer



The Village of Melrose is seeking a Village Clerk/Treasurer to handle the responsibilities of the day-to-day operations of Village government

QUALIFICATIONS:  The candidate will have knowledge of general office practice, bookkeeping/accounting skills, and payroll computation.  Basic computer skills are essential.  The candidate should have experience crafting documents and letters with Microsoft Word.  Experience with Microsoft Excel and/or another spreadsheet is desirable.

COMPENSATION/WORK SCHEDULE:  The Village Clerk/Treasurer will work 22 hours per week in the office along with monthly Village Board meetings and other hours necessary to complete assigned tasks.  There are no retirement, healthcare, or other benefits associated with this position.  Pay is based on experience.

TO APPLY:  Deliver a resume and cover letter outlining your qualifications to the Village of Melrose, Personnel Committee, P.O. Box 117, Melrose, WI  54642 not later than May 4, 2018.  The Village of Melrose is an equal opportunity employer.